Constitution and By-Laws


Amended 2019

Approved during the General Assembly on June 18, 2019, held at the Northern Philippine Root Crops Research and Training Center, BSU, La Trinidad, Benguet. The amendments include the rearrangement of articles and sections and a few new relevant provisions.


The Constitution sets what the association is all about its name and purpose, the framework on how it shall be organized, and identify who the members are and authorities.


Section 1. Name and Statutory. The name of the association shall be Benguet State University Alumni Association, Incorporated (BSUAAI) La Trinidad Campus herein referred to as “Association” and registered to the Securities and Exchange Commission with the registration number (SEC. Reg. No.) CN200727069. It is a non-profit, non-political, and non-sectarian Association. Its Tax Payer’s Identification Number (TIN) is 004-030-204 issued on February 9, 2005.

Section 2. Alumni Corporate Seal. The vision and mission of BSUAAI are manifested in its logo. The sunflower yellow color exemplifies the intellect, honor, loyalty, prosperity, and enlightenment of members, while the forest green symbolizes love for nature. The circles represent unity and the unending aspirations of alumni to share the ideals of their alma mater and association. Within the circle is the BSU logo to remind us that the alumni are the “face of the university” and therefore shall do their best wherever they go and in whatever they do. The ethnic houses, terraces, rivers, and pine trees represent a sustainable community that every alumnus shall endeavor to build. The year 1920 honors the first graduates of elementary, and the first batch of enrollees in high school who graduated in 1924, the year the Association was founded.


The principal office of BSUAAI La Trinidad Campus is at the BSU Alumni Center, Benguet State University Compound, Km 5, Betag, La Trinidad, Benguet 2601, Philippines with email address: and Facebook account: BsuAlumni La Trinidad.


Section 1. Vision. An Alumni Association that cares and the members can be proud of.

Section 2. Mission. To foster everlasting partnership with the university and community in improving human lives.

Section 3. Goals and Objectives

  1. To promote unity, cooperation, brotherhood, and mutual understanding among all alumni of Benguet State University;
  2. To acquire and own monies, real or personal property, and establish business enterprises by or through purchase, donations, grants, contributions, exchange, mortgage, and other legal means;
  3. To manage such monies, real or personal properties, and business enterprises for the promotion and attainment of the vision and purposes of the Association and the protection of the interests of its membership;
  4. To conduct research, training, and development activities with institutions that shall benefit its members and the university;
  5. To provide its members’ access to technical, financial, material, and other forms of assistance that will facilitate and promote their personal development; and
  6. To cooperate closely and be a partner with the university in its programs that is beneficial to the alumni association membership, to the university, to the cordillera communities, and to the Philippines as a whole.


Every enrollee of Benguet State University (BSU) who graduated from academic and at least one-month non-academic courses, and those approved by the Board as honorary shall be eligible for membership provided that they comply with the Constitution and By-Laws and other policies of the Association.


The overall governance of the Association shall be vested in its active members and shall be exercised by the Board of Trustees hereby referred to as “Board”.

Section 1. The Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees shall be composed of the elected officers and Ex-Officio members who shall be appointed by the President upon concurrence of the Board as provided in the Constitution.

Section 3. The Officers. The Officers of the Association shall be elected at large during the election period. There shall be eleven (11) officers as follows: President, Vice President for External Affairs, Vice President for Internal Affairs, Treasurer, Secretary, Auditor, Press Relations Officer, two (2) Business Managers, and two (2) Sergeant at Arms.

Section 4. Ex-Officio Members. The Ex-Officio members shall be composed of the immediate past President, Chairman of Committees, President of Chapter Associations, BSU Alumni Relations Officer, or others that may be invited by the President.

Standing and/or Ad-Hoc committees shall be created by the Board as may be deemed necessary to provide technical assistance or advisory on issues and concerns relative to the programs/activities of the Association.

Section 1. Standing Committees. These committees may be continuing/short-term and shall be chaired by an Officer whose function is allied to it such as:

a. Management or Executive Committee – President
b. General Assembly and Alumni Homecoming Committee – VP External Affairs
c. Search for Outstanding Alumni Committee – VP Internal Affairs
d. Membership and Development Committee – Secretary
e. Audit and Inventory Committee – Auditor
f. Scholarship and Finance Committee – Treasurer
g. Alumni Book/Directory and Publications Committee – PRO

Section 2. AdHoc Committees. These committees such as Committee on Election shall be created for short-term activities and may be chaired by an officer whose function is allied to it or interested members of the Association upon approval by the Board.

Section 4. Membership to the Board. The Chairman of active committees/President of Chapter Associations upon an official invitation by the President shall attend the Board meetings as an Ex-Officio member.


Section 1. Definition. Chapter Associations shall refer to an organized group of alumni with at least 11 members, preferably those with a set of officers, and constitution, and by-laws

Section 2. Purpose. The establishment of independent Chapter Associations shall be encouraged to assist the Mother Association (BSUAAI) to reach out to as many alumni members and assist in the planning and/or implementation of alumni projects.


Section 1.   Quorum. Any business meetings shall proceed when there is a quorum. A quorum shall constitute a majority. In Board meetings, six (6) voting members shall constitute a quorum. During general assemblies, there should at least be 51 members who are present. Any decision of the voting members shall be valid when voted upon by 2/3 of those present.

Section 2. Venue and Schedule. All meetings shall be held at the Alumni Center or within the university campus not unless otherwise necessary that it shall be done in other places.

Section 3. Order of Business. In all meetings, the parliamentary procedure shall be followed and the order of business shall be as follows:

  1. Call to order
  2. Determination of a Quorum
  3. Adoption of the Proposed Agenda
  4. Review of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting
  5. Matters arising from Minutes of Previous Meeting
  6. New Business
  7. Adjournment

Section 4. Meetings of the Board. The Board shall meet regularly every first Monday of the month. However, other dates may be scheduled to accommodate the availability of the members who are unable to attend due to valid reasons.

Section 5. Meetings of Members. The alumni members shall meet annually during the General Assembly and Alumni Homecoming.

Section 6. Special Meetings. The President may call a special meeting when there are urgent matters to be discussed or major activities to be accomplished.


Section 1. Compensation. Services to the Association shall be voluntary. However, monetary and/or non-monetary compensation shall be given as provided in the By-Laws.

Section 2. Awards. Awards shall be given to alumni members or partner agencies as provided in the By-Laws.


The President shall appoint permanent and/or contractual personnel to run the daily activities of the Association upon concurrence of the Board.



The By-Laws define the duties and responsibilities of the members and officers and provide operational guidelines to attain the programs of the association



Section 1. Categories of Membership. The members of the Association shall be categorized according to the courses they finished at BSU and/or the manner by which they are accepted, and to specify the benefits that each category deserves from the Association as follows:

  1. Regular membership. Those who finished academic degree programs in the university such as preparatory, elementary, baccalaureate, pre- and post-baccalaureate certificate and diploma courses, master’s and/or doctorate degrees. As regular members, they are eligible as candidates for elected positions in the Association.
  2. Associate membership. Those who finished non-academic short courses such as certificate courses and/or training with at least one-month duration including those who enrolled in academic programs for at least one semester but did not pursue their degree in the University. Associate members are eligible as candidates for elected positions in the Associations except for the president and Vice Presidents.
  3. Honorary membership. Those who are not graduates of the university but who were granted honorary degrees (honoris causa) by the university including BSU faculty members who were given honorary membership by the Association. They may be tapped to head or become members of alumni projects or as consultants.

Only BSU faculty members who have rendered exceptional and/or meritorious service/support to the university and/or to the Association for at least 15 years shall be considered for honorary membership. The nominees shall be evaluated by the Membership and Development Committee.

Section 2. Requirements for Membership. All prospective members shall undertake the following before they shall be granted membership to the Association:

  1. Pay the required Alumni Fee/s before the oath taking on membership preferably during the signing of clearance among graduating students of academic degree programs and before the issuance of training certificates for participants on short courses. Honorary members shall pay on a voluntary basis.
  2. Take the Alumni Oath that shall be administered by the President. For Regular Members, oath-taking shall be during the graduation day; for Associate Members, during the Closing Ceremony of the program; for Honorary Membership given by the Association, it shall be during the General Assembly while those given Honorary Degree by the University shall be during the occasion the degree is to be awarded by the University.

Section 3. Benefits of Members. All members shall be granted the following benefits but not limited to:

  1. A lifetime Alumni ID.
  2. Right to file candidacy for elective position and be voted upon.
  3. Right to vote during the Election of Officers and on major issues that shall be decided by the General Assembly.
  4. Attendance to General Assembly and Homecoming, seminars, and other activities organized by the Association.
  5. Opportunity to serve as chairman/member of committees or as consultant/ implementer of alumni projects.
  6. Opportunity to be nominated on the Search for Outstanding Alumni.
  7. Privilege to represent the alumni in official transactions upon concurrence by the Board.

Section 4. Duties and Responsibilities of Members. All members shall exercise the following duties and responsibilities:

  1.  A lifetime loyalty to the university as executed in the Pledge of Loyalty to BSU by the University President, and the Alumni Pledge by the Alumni President during commencement exercises or on occasions intended for such purpose.
  2.  Attendance to the General Assembly, and Alumni Homecoming especially among jubilarians.
  3. Obey and comply with the BSU Alumni Constitution and By-Laws and such other rules and regulations as may be promulgated by the Board and/or General Assembly.

Section 5. Membership Fees and Other Alumni Fees

  1. The Board shall determine the alumni fees and other fees. The fees shall be categorized with the doctorate holders as the highest and the elementary graduates as the lowest. The preschoolers may volunteer to pay the alumni fee and other fees.
  2. The Board shall collect alumni fees from graduating students or prospective members in conformity with University and Alumni Association policies and regulations.


Section 1. The Officers. Eleven (11) officers shall be elected as follows: President, Vice President for Internal Affairs, Vice President for External Affairs, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, Press Relations Officer, two (2) Business Managers, and two (2) Sergeant-at-Arms.

Section 2. General Qualifications. All candidates in elective positions must possess the following qualifications:

  1. Must be a bonafide member of the Association;
  2. Committed to serving voluntarily the Association unless funds for honorarium/incentives are available;
  3. If seeking re-election or previously a member of the Board, he/she must have set a record of participating actively in Board meetings and/or activities of the Association during the years he/she was an officer; and
  4. Has not been convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude.

Section 3. Specific Qualifications of Officers

  1. President
    1. Must not be currently holding an administrative designation in the university during the time of election considering that the Association is non-partisan in stature;
    2. Must have managerial experience as an officer/member of a successful association, organization and/or institutions;
    3. Preferably have attended at least one (1) General Assembly; and
    4. Must be able to attend Board meetings in person
  2. VP External Affairs
    1. Preferably not an employee of the University or if not he/she must not be currently holding an administrative designation in the university;
    2. Must be willing to serve as President in case the latter is absent, resigned, and/or incapacitated;
    3. Preferably have attended at least one (1) General Assembly; and
    4. Must be able to attend Board meetings in person
  3. VP Internal Affairs. Preferably an employee of BSU main campus and is willing to act as Alumni Relations Officer of the Association to the University.
  4. Secretary. Preferably has experience in recording minutes of meetings, and preparing Board Resolutions and Memorandum of Agreements. Must be able to attend Board meetings in person.
  5. Treasurer. Preferably has experience in preparing financial reports and is willing to assist the Association generates funds. Must be able to attend Board meetings in person
  6. Auditor. Preferably knowledgeable in auditing and bookkeeping.
  7. Press Relations Officer (PRO). Preferably has the experience and is committed to publishing documentaries on social media pertaining to the Association.
  8. Business Managers. Preferably has experience in business affairs and in organizing events.
  9. Sergeant-at-Arms. Preferably has experience in arbitrary transactions and is able to maintain peace and order.

Section 4. Duties and Responsibilities of Officers. All officers shall serve the Association with utmost commitment and voluntarily except when funds are available.

  1. President
    1. Serves as Presiding Officer and Chief Executive Officer of the Association;
    2. Represents the Association in all its official business undertakings such as signatories to official documents and spokesperson;
    3. Appoints the chairmen and members of committees including employees/staff and other officers of the Association;
    4. Leads the Association in defining and accomplishing the vision of the Association;
    5. Provides periodic and annual reports on the status of plans, programs, projects, and activities of the Association to the Board and General Assembly; and
    6. Performs other related functions.
  2. The Vice President for External Affairs
    1. Acts or succeeds the President if absent, resigned, or incapacitated;
    2. Acts as Chair of the General Assembly and Alumni Homecoming Committee; and
    3. Performs other related functions.
  3. Vice-President for Internal Affairs
    1. Acts as Alumni Relations Officer of the Association to the university;
    2. Acts as Chair of the Search for Outstanding Alumni; and
    3. Performs other related functions.
  4. The Secretary
    1. Acts as recording secretary in all meetings;
    2. Maintains an efficient filing and retrieval system for easy access to documents.
    3. Prepares communications and issues notices on meetings;
    4. Acts as Chair of the Membership and Development Committee; and
    5. Performs other related functions.
  5. The Treasurer
    1. Have custody over monies, properties, and assets of the Association;
    2. Maintains the Book of Accounts and makes payments and disbursement of funds in accordance with approved accounting rules and regulations of the Association;
    3. Checks the remittances and bank deposits and provides updates to the Board;
    4. Prepares Annual Financial Statements of the Association for presentation to the General Assembly and/or submission to the Securities and Exchange Commission on or before March 30 of every year;
    5. Serves as a co-signatory of the President in all payments made by the Association;
    6. Acts as Chair of the Scholarship and Finance Committee; and
    7. Performs other related functions.
  6. The Auditor
    1. Assist the Treasurer in preparing the Annual Financial Statements of the Association and shall be a co-signatory of such report;
    2. Monitors the disbursement of funds;
    3. Conducts end-of-term inventory of the assets of the Association;
    4. Acts as Chair of the Audit and Inventory Committee; and
    5. Performs other related functions.
  7. Press Relations Officer
    1. Shall keep the alumni members and partner agencies informed of the activities of the Associations such as General Assembly and Alumni Homecoming, and Election of Officers thru the mass media;
    2. Acts as Chair of the Publication Committee; and
    3. Performs other related functions.
  8. Business Managers (2)
    1. One shall act as Chair in the preparation of the budget, canvassing, and purchasing of supplies and materials that are needed by the Association;
    2. One shall act as Chair in organizing social activities of the Association;
    3. Responsible for the physical arrangements and restoration of venues during general assembly, homecoming, election period, and other special occasions; and
    4. Perform other related functions.
  9. Sergeant at Arms (2)
    1. One shall act as Chair of the Arbitration Committee;
    2. One shall act as Chair of the Ushers Committee;
    3. Maintains peace and order during meetings and all other alumni occasions;
    4. Supervise the security of the properties of the association;
    5. Assist the business managers in the physical arrangements and restoration of the venues during general assembly and other special occasions; and
    6. Perform other related functions.

Section 5. Term of Office of Officers. The term of office for all officers shall be three (3) years without prejudice to being re-elected for another two terms provided that those seeking reelection have set a record of attending and participating actively during their incumbency. No officer shall serve for more than three (3) consecutive terms in the same position.

Section 6. Removal of Officers

  1. Probable Cause. An Officer may be removed from office for causes such as but not limited to resignation, wrongful use of funds of the Association, misrepresentation of policies, and improper implementation of programs.
  2. In the event that an officer is charged with a removal offense, the President shall notify the officer in writing of the proposal to remove him/her from office. Such removal shall be the first order of business at the next meeting of the officers and whose decision is binding and final if there was a 2/3 vote among those present. Such a decision shall be transmitted to the concerned officer within five (5) days after the decision was made.

Section 7. Vacancies and Succession. If vacancies occur in the Board, the President shall appoint a replacement within one (1) month with the concurrence of 2/3 of the officers. In the case of the President, he/she shall be replaced by the VP of External Affairs.   Those in succession shall serve the remaining term of the officer being replaced.


Section 1. Composition. The Board of Trustees shall be composed of the eleven (11) elected officers, and Ex-Officio members who shall be appointed by the President upon concurrence of the Board as provided in the Constitution. The President shall act as Chairman of the Board.

Section 3. The Officers. There shall be 11 officers to be elected at large during the election period: President, Vice President for External Affairs, Vice President for Internal Affairs, Treasurer, Secretary, Auditor, Press Relations Officer, two (2) Business Managers, and two (2) Sergeant at Arms.

Section 4. Ex-Officio Members. The Ex-Officio members shall be composed of the immediate past President, Chairman of Committees, President of Chapter Associations, and Alumni Staff that may be invited by the President. They shall attend Board meetings depending on the agenda and upon an official invitation by the President.

Section 3. Tenure. The tenure of office of the officers shall be three (3) years without prejudice for reelection as provided in the Election Code. The tenure of Ex-Officio members shall depend on the duration of the activities of the committee they represent.

Section 4. Duties and Responsibilities
a. Promulgate and approve policies, rules, and guidelines governing the management of the business affairs of the Association;
b. Execute contracts, memoranda of agreement, and/or commitments with any individuals or groups on programs/projects that are mutually beneficial and legally binding;
c. Approve the organization and management structures and processes, appoint or terminate officers/staff in accordance with the criteria set forth; and
d. Shall select a Certified Public Accountant who is not a member of the Board to audit the financial records of the Association at the end of the fiscal year.


Section 1. Appointment. The President shall appoint the chair and members of standing committees with the chair of each committee preferably from among the elected officers upon approval by the Board.

Section 2. General Responsibilities

  1. The chair shall direct the work in accordance with the by-laws and procedures promulgated for such purpose by the Board.
  2. Study information and issues relevant to the committee functions and develop proposals to improve the procedures and/or generate funds for such projects.
  3. Regularly inform the President in writing its findings.
  4. Explore other issues as may be assigned by the President.

Section 3. The Management or Executive Committee

  1. This committee shall be chaired by the President;
  2. Review/update the Medium-Term/Short-Term Plans, and monitor their implementation after approval by the Board;
  3. Review and implement approved proposals and shall be accountable for the funds allotted for the implementation thereof. Any income generated shall accrue to the Association and shall be deposited by the Treasurer;
  4. Prepare periodic status reports on the operations of the Association and present these to the Board during its meetings;
  5. Prepare annual status on the operations and finances of the Association for presentation to the General Assembly,
  6. Recommend the creation and/or dissolution of positions of personnel to the Board.

Section 4. Membership and Development Committee

  1. Such committee shall be chaired preferably by the Secretary;
  2. Develop policies, programs, projects, and activities that shall promote and enhance the participation of members and Chapter Associations in the activities of the Association;
  3. Pre-evaluate credentials of applicants/nominees of honorary members that shall be awarded by the Association, recommends to the Board for appropriate action on these applications; and perform other related functions.

Section 5. Audit and Inventory Committee

  1. Such committee shall be chaired preferably by the Auditor;
  2. Conduct a periodic financial audit of the operations of the Association and report to the Board and to the General Assembly;
  3. Conducts Annual Inventory of the Assets of the Association and reports to the Board and to the General Assembly, and performs other related functions.

Section 6. General Assembly and Alumni Homecoming Committee

  1. Such committee shall be chaired preferably by the VP of External Affairs;
  2. Develop policies, programs, and activities that shall promote the participation of members and generate funds thereof in collaboration with the concerned units in the university, and Presidents of Chapter Associations; and perform other related functions.

Section 7. Search for Outstanding Alumni Committee

  1. Such committee shall be chaired preferably by the VP of Internal Affairs;
  2. Review and develop additional policies that shall enhance the Search Guidelines in collaboration with the concerned units in the university.
  3. Pre-evaluate credentials of nominees and submit results to the Search for Outstanding Alumni of the University; and perform other related functions.

Section 8. Scholarship and Finance Committee

  1. Such committee shall be chaired preferably by the Treasurer;
  2. Develop policies, programs, and activities that shall enable the Association to search for potential applicants as well as generate income to fund more scholars;
  3. Pre-evaluate the credentials of applicants for approval by the Board; and
  4. Perform other related functions.

Section 9. Alumni Publications Committee

  1. Such committee shall be chaired preferably by the PRO;
  2. Develop policies, programs, projects, and activities that shall enable the Association to continually update the whereabouts/profile of alumni members including the funding of such endeavors;
  3. Prepare and circulate publications i.e. souvenir programs and other information leaflets that shall enhance the image of the Association and/or members wherever they are, and perform other related functions.


Section 1. The Chapter Associations. Chapter Association shall refer to associations organized by a group of alumni or group of alumni composed of at least eleven (11) members who actively conduct social/community services or projects in partnership with the university or Association.

They shall be recognized provided they register with the Mother Association.

Section 2. Requirements for Registration

  1. Submission of a letter of intent to the Mother Association together with the list of officers and/or members;
  2. The Chapter Association has been active for at least one (1) year and
  3. The Chapter Association is interested to be represented on the Board by their Presiden

Section 3. Duties and Responsibilities of Chapter Presidents

  1. Serves as liaison officer of their association to the Mother Association;
  2. Represents their association in the Board as an Ex-Officio member;
  3. Presents during Board meetings the accomplishment, update reports, or concerns of their Association;
  4. Serves as a technical assistant, adviser, and/or consultant to projects of the Association; and
  5. Serves as a member of the General Assembly and Alumni Homecoming, and Search for Outstanding Alumni.

Section 4. Benefits of Chapter Associations

  1. Membership of Chapter President to the Board as Ex-Officio.
  2. Chapter Associations may hold their meetings at the Alumni Center building and have their permanent documents kept at the Alumni Office and/or serve as their permanent


Section 1. The Committee Chair. The General Assembly and Homecoming Committee shall be chaired by the VP of External Affairs with the Chapter Association Presidents and heads of concerned units in the university as members. They shall plan and execute all the activities therein.

Section 2. General Assembly

  1. The conduct of the General Assembly is to update the members on the state of the Association and enact new business. The President shall present the accomplishments and financial status of the Association.
  2. The General Assembly shall proceed provided there is a quorum. A quorum constitutes at least 50 +1 members in attendance.
  3. Those interested to be President/Vice President must attend at least two (2), preferably, consecutive General Assembly meetings.

Section 3. Alumni Homecoming

  1. The purpose of the Alumni Homecoming is to rekindle and build new friendships, share experiences and expertise, and re-visit the campus. The programs/activities therein shall be prepared by the Committee in accordance with such purpose.
  2. Homecomings shall be conducted in the mother units of the alumni, hence the Committee shall collaborate with the head of the concerned units (colleges/academic institutes, and schools) in the planning and execution of the activities on such occasions.
  3. Class reunions shall be held every after five years, and those concerned shall be called j An alumnus is a jubilarian when the difference between the year of graduation and the current year is 0 and 5.
  4. The Silver Jubilarians (graduates 25yrs ago) shall assist in the preparation of homecoming activities while the profile of Golden Jubilarians shall be featured in the Associations’ Alumni Profile in said year.

Section 4. Date and Venue. The General Assembly and Alumni Homecoming shall be held every September 27, during the Foundation Day of the University, not unless amended by the University.


Section 1. Committee on Election (COMELEC). A COMELEC shall be designated by the Board at least two (2) months prior to the scheduled election. The qualification of members, their duties and responsibilities, and election protocols shall be in accordance with the Election Code.

Section 2. Election Period. The regular election of officers shall be held every after three

(3) years during the Annual General Assembly. Special elections may be held as the need arise, and the timetable for such election shall be determined by the Board.

Section 3. Notification. The schedule of the election and the requirements thereof shall be announced at least one (1) month prior to the due date of filing of candidacy at least three (3) times in local newspapers or other lawful social media.

Section 5. Election Code. There shall be an Election Code that shall be promulgated by the COMELEC and approved by the Board.


Section 1. Compensation

  1. The Board may receive monetary compensation only if funds are available.
  2. The Board shall set criteria for evaluating documents of individuals claiming compensation and shall set the amount thereof.
  3. All compensation shall be in consonance with approved accounting procedures.

Section 2. Alumni Awards

  1. The Association in partnership with the University as the case may be shall conduct an annual search for outstanding alumni and give awards or recommend this to the university for university awards. Outstanding alumni are those who did exemplary service to the Association, the university, and/or the community for which they serve.
  2. The Association and/or in partnership with the University shall set the criteria for the search and evaluation of documents of nominees.
  3. The VP of Internal Affairs shall serve as Chairman of the Search Committee and recommend those qualified to the Evaluation Committee.
  4. The Evaluation Committee shall be headed by the President and shall recommend to the Board (if awarded by the Association) or to the University if the nominees deserve a University award.
  5. The Awards shall be given during the University Charter Day, Foundation Day Anniversary or appropriate occasions.

Section 3. Student Scholarship/Financial Awards

  1. The Committee shall be headed by the Treasurer and shall lead in generating funds thereof either in the form of sponsorship/monetary donations from alumni and/or other
  2. The Committee shall set the selection criteria and shall search benefactors in consonance with budgetary allocations of the Association.
  3. The Committee shall pre-evaluate the applicants and recommend to the Board for appropriate action.
  4. The scholars shall be given a Certificate of Appreciation/Recognition upon their


Section 1. Fund Sources. The funds of the Association shall be derived from fees, grants, donations, or other sources from economic activities such as consultancy services, training services, research works of alumni members in partnership with the Association, or other related activities. Such funds shall be kept in a depository bank chosen by the Association upon the approval of the Board.

Section 2. Disbursements. Withdrawals from the funds of the Association, whether by cash, check, or any other instruments shall be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by the President. If necessary, the Board may designate other signatories. All funds to be withdrawn must be accompanied by a corresponding appropriation resolution duly signed by the Board. Utilization of the funds must be covered by official receipts and in accordance with the approved annual working budget and accounting procedures of the Association.

Section 3. Fiscal Year. From January 1 to December 31 of each year.


The By-Laws may be amended by a majority of the Board as provided in the Constitution. It shall first be drafted by an AdHoc Committee on Amendments and submitted to the Officers for review at least one (1) month before its presentation for approval/disapproval by the Board. It shall be the duty of the President to inform the members during the General Assembly meetings of any major amendments that were approved therein.